it started with a love of books
I have had a crazy obsession with children’s books for as long as I can remember. I would count down the days until the next book fair. I even had a monthly subscription of books that arrived in the mail each month. Which I would read all too fast and then have to wait WEEKS until the next bundle arrived. As I got older I started collecting favorites from my childhood as I’d find them at used bookstores, to one day give to my children. The thought of them reading the same books I once enjoyed filled my heart with so much joy.
When I found out we were starting a family I immediately added allllll of the books to our baby registry. I even remember a co-working asking “what are you going to do with all of those books?” Read them. duh. After Olivia was born I was quickly draining the bank account constantly buying beautiful books for us to enjoy together. So when I learned about the opportunity to become a consultant with Usborne Books & More, I was so excited about having the ability to fill our shelves with free and discounted books. And not just any ol’ books. High quality and engaging books! I am extremely particular about the quality, message, and illustrations of the books I choose for Olivia. And UBAM does not disappoint. These books are written specifically for children to learn (rather than just being cutesy) and Olivia is obsessed with them. As in she straight up grabs them out of my hands to flip through herself.
In less than a year I’ve not only acquired hundreds of free books, I’ve also been able to share my love of literacy with families all over the country. I’ve created book drives to help families in need and provided books to foster children. I’ve also grown an incredible team of women who share a similar passion and love of books. I love getting to learn all about the interests and subjects my customers are into (and how they change every time we talk). I love knowing that these books are not only providing reading material, but are also expanding their view of the world and cultivating their imaginations. The tools they gain from reading and engaging with books at any age, will be used throughout their entire life.
do you love free books?
A “book party” is an online (or in person) event where your friends and family who attend will get to learn about the features and benefits of Usborne Books & More books from me! As a host, you would partner with me during a book party and would earn free books based on the sales earned from the party, all while helping other families learn about books that will benefit and engage their children. Win, win!
Well, we work together to help spread the word about how amazing Usborne Books & More books are through a VIRTUAL "e-party". Yes, picture yourself on the couch, in your PJs, wearing a face mask, and sipping some wine after the kids are in bed as you share a love of amazing children’s books with your tribe. Your role is to invite the guests in a personal way (I'll send you the details on just how to do that but just know, it's pretty easy!) and get folks excited about the event. I do all the "work" of the event and you just get your people pumped up!
Before your party, I create custom wish lists for your guests to help them narrow down some book options that will be perfect for their unique kiddos. During the event (it's about 40 minutes long) I will share 10 posts highlighting Usborne Books & More and what they provide and offer. These are really fun posts with lots of pictures, videos and tons of literacy tips. As a former educator, I like to be interactive with the whole shebang and as a mother, I like to ensure everyone’s valuable time is worthwhile. I also offer a giveaway to your guests just for joining in on the fun. The virtual parties are really exciting considering everyone is on their own couch at home in their comfy clothes. That's when we’re all having the most fun, let's be honest …
Leading up to the event, my priority is to ensure that you have a successful party so you get as many free books as possible - it’s truly a partnership. Several hosts have earned over $250 in free books! My goal is to promote literacy and help families learn about awesome books for their kids - all while you earn awesome books for your own family. How does that sound?
join my team
As an Usborne Books & More consultant, I have loved leading a team of people who find joy in children’s books AND helping other families build their home libraries. There are so many benefits to becoming a UBAM consultant (25%+ commission on all sales, zero monthly sales minimum or requirements, opportunities to earn free books and free vacations even) but perhaps one of the most amazing parts about this experience is working with my team.
When you join my team as a consultant, you are never alone. My goal is to support each of my team members with their individual goals. For some, that’s as simple as building their home library for free or discounted prices; for several, it’s a little extra income each month; and for others, it’s dreaming as big as earning a 6-figure income for their family.
Whatever your goals are, I’ll be your number one fan — cheering you on, problem solving alongside you, and sharing all of my knowledge and tried-and-true tips to help you succeed. I genuinely want others to experience the same joy I’ve experienced in this endeavor and to promote literacy as a team. Questions? Just holler or check out my FAQ’s below for more insight.