made X modern


Flirty Thirty and Thriving

LifestyleCatharine KlepacComment

Today Derek turns the big 3-0. This past weekend I threw him a little surprise party at our friends house (because let's face it, their yard is legit). And I made it a Fiesta theme. Because. Why not?

He was under the impression that we were having dinner over at our friends Max and Carrie's house, because they just moved in and wanted to have a nice dinner. Or something like that. Little did he know, but all of his friends were waiting in the backyard to surprise him. Including his childhood best friend Ari who drove in all the way from Denton. Needless to say good times were had all around.


I hope that you enjoy your day Derek! There is obviously no other way to end this post, other than to share my all time favorite photo of him, getting who knows what kind of award, but is clearly oh so excited about it. Here's to 30 more Der Bear!