made X modern


Out of Sight. Out of Mind.

DIYCatharine KlepacComment

For those of you who didn’t know, historic neighborhoods tend to be very.. cozy. Our house is literally 5 feet away from our neighbors to the right, and about 10 feet from the neighbors on the left. Luckily we have over 26 windows, which we love. But. Most of these windows are along the walls that look straight into our neighbor’s windows. The most awkward of which is the bathroom window. It’s not that bad during the day, but at night it’s basically a glowing fishbowl of teeth brushing and sprinting into the shower.

The house came with cheap-o mini-blinds on most of our windows (which have since been replaced), which works for us, but we didn’t want to really have blinds in the bathroom or kitchen because then we wouldn’t be able to open either set to let light in without A. being on display to the whole neighborhood or B. having to see unsightly junk in our neighbor’s side yard.

Let’s get a closer look.

People think I'm kidding when I tell them about how messy our neighbors' house is. I mean. No one wants to look at that while cooking. Or doing anything really.

Our front door is a craftsman style which is original to the house, but it also has windows which makes it really awkward when answering the door (or more importantly pretending like you’re not home). That being said, frosting the windows seemed to be the best option for us. We've used this method in the past, and it's such an inexpensive way to gain a little privacy, but is still temporary in case you change your mind down the road.

To prep the windows we would be frosting, I first cleaned them with ordinary glass cleaner, and used a razor blade to scrape off any excess paint from previous sloppy painters. There was a LOT of paint to scrape. And neighborhood watch stickers. Because those keep you safe.


So much cleaner already!

We picked up a roll of frosted film, along with an applicator kit and got to work. After cleaning all of the windows with glass cleaner, we cleaned them again thoroughly with the application spray. We made sure to scrape off any fleck of paint or dirt so that we had a squeaky clean surface. Remember: Any speck of anything on the window will create permanent bubbles.

We cut our first piece leaving 1" extra on each side, which will be trimmed later. Then we placed a piece of scotch tape on each side of the film and press it together without sticking the tape to itself, and peeled it apart to separate the film from the backing. We made sure to only peel the backing halfway off the film. This will help it not stick to itself when applying it to the window.

One person was the sprayer (me) and the other person was the get-sprayed-on-er (Derek). We soaked the window, and both sides of the film (yes, even the sticky side) The wetter it is the easier it will be to squeegee and get all of the bubbles and imperfections out. We were also able to life it back up and re-apply it as need be because it was so wet. 

We then stuck it to the window and removed the rest of the backing. We were sure to leave the extra inches on each side of the window surface and started squeegee-ing away! Derek was the squeegee-er and I was the cutter.

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While squeegee-ing we were sure to work from top to bottom and left to right getting out as many bubbles as possible. Once all of the bubbles were pushed as close to the edges as we could get them, it was time to trim off the excess. We used the blade that came with our kit and lined it up with the window panes and carefully trimmed along the edges on all four sides. I saved the corners for the end so that the excess film won’t fall onto itself and create a huge mess.

Once all of the extra film was gone, we continued to squeegee all of the remaining bubbles and push them to the edges. Depending on how warm it is outside, you only have 24 hours until the film officially adheres incase you aren’t satisfied with any imperfections that might show up.

The whole project took about an hour (after the cleaning/scraping). This is definitely an easy fix for anyone who is needing a little privacy while still taking advantage of as much natural light as possible. And now for a little before-and-after action.

△ B E F O R E △

△ A F T E R △

The bathroom has a lot more privacy now too, especially at night.

△ B E F O R E △

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△ A F T E R △

I’m still trying to find the perfect mirror to go above the sink. Right now we have to do the toothbrush tango. And I can only imagine what a pain it must be to shave in these conditions.

△ B E F O R E △


△ A F T E R △

We also removed the screen door that was just hanging on by a thread. It didn’t even close all the way and it blocked our pretty craftsman door. Now all we need to do is repaint the exterior, decide on a color for the front door, and swap out the hardware and we’ll really be in business!

I plan to frost the back door as well, but it has a lot of extra elements (like a cat tapestry) that need to be taken care of before it can be frosted. Meow.

Not Really a Fan of Our Fans

DIYCatharine KlepacComment

I don’t know if I’ve emphasized it enough, but our new house probably hasn’t been cleaned in 20 years. Not even kidding. It is seriously an asthmatic’s worst nightmare. We checked the air filter before sanding the floors and it literally had an inch thick of dust on it that peeled off like dryer lint. Barf. That being said, the ceiling fans were just a nightmare. Not only were they severely outdated, but they were caked in layers of dust. They were missing bulbs, the blades were drooping, and not one single fan matched the other. Clearly they had to go. Here are some before snaps I took during our final walkthrough.

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We wanted to replace them with something clean and simple and a little more contemporary. I had found these babies, and for $89 + free shipping I made them mine.

Derek had conned our friend Chris into helping him install all three fans, while I continued to stain the floors. They simple followed the wiring diagram that was included with the fans, and it was pretty straight forward.

The electricians that updated all of our electrical (as part of our negotiations), sort of botched the ceiling when removing/replacing the other fans so we plan to patch all of that when we paint our ceilings.

I just love how a five-blade fan looks over four. And not having a droopy light kit. Aren't they just so much fresher?

△ B E F O R E △

△ A F T E R △

△ B E F O R E △

△ A F T E R △

△ A F T E R △

I love instant transformations like this. Swapping out ceiling fans is such a simple way to update your home without spending a whole lot of money. But mostly, I’m just glad that I didn’t have to clean the old ones. So sick.


The Story.

LifestyleCatharine KlepacComment

As I'm sure many of you have heard through the grapevine (you know, the proverbial grapevine AKA Instagram) that the Your Modern Couple we have all known and loved is no more. There was a mishap with our hosting company, and as of February 2015 all 6 years of our posts have since been deleted. I have cried many tears over this the past few months, I'm not even going to try and pretend that didn't happen. I mean.. I think what upsets me the most is that Derek and I literally started that (this) blog the day we started dating, and it basically chronicled our entire dating, engaged, and married life (thus far) everyday for 6 years. Over 700 posts of DIY projects, recipes, Friday Finds, Awkward & Awesome Thursdays, Wedding Wednesdays, and all of that jazz. It's kind of like I lost a very well organized and cherished diary that I wrote in every single day. Something for our children to stumble upon down the road and think, wow our parents were so cool (okay, dorky).

But I've come to terms with the fact that those posts no longer exists. And that the only thing to do is start fresh. So we bring you: Your Modern Couple 2.0. It's kind of like and iPhone 5s vs. the iPhone 5. It's pretty much the same, but also kind of different. It looks the same, but it's better, faster, and stronger. It will also make your friends want to upgrade their phones before their eligibility date. Wait. What are we talking about again? Okay let's face it, this blog clearly looks different than it did before. So, it's not really like an iPhone at all okay? I tried. 

When I made the announcement last week via Instagram (and my personal Facebook), I received an outpouring of support from past readers, who were all just as equally sad as I felt. So many people came out of the woodwork to let me know that they have missed YMC, and it just reminded me of how many people we have met because of this ol' thing. Some of our best friends (#klekindas) were just mere acquaintances until this blog brought us together through wedding planning, and now we are inseparable. We have connected with so many readers, fellow bloggers, and have even been recognized at Target by a local reader while I was waist deep digging through a clearance bin of Christmas garland (scariest/weirdest/most amazing experience ever). All this to say, it has been an incredible experience and we aren't ready to see it end. 

Remember when we bought a house and then teased you with a few updates and then literally disappeared for the better part of a year? Your Modern Couple 2.0 is here to make up for that snafu. We have SO many projects to share with you guys from our first home we purchased a year and a half ago. We promise to ease everyone back into the swing of things. 

Who's ready?