made X modern

Not Really a Fan of Our Fans

DIYCatharine KlepacComment

I don’t know if I’ve emphasized it enough, but our new house probably hasn’t been cleaned in 20 years. Not even kidding. It is seriously an asthmatic’s worst nightmare. We checked the air filter before sanding the floors and it literally had an inch thick of dust on it that peeled off like dryer lint. Barf. That being said, the ceiling fans were just a nightmare. Not only were they severely outdated, but they were caked in layers of dust. They were missing bulbs, the blades were drooping, and not one single fan matched the other. Clearly they had to go. Here are some before snaps I took during our final walkthrough.

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We wanted to replace them with something clean and simple and a little more contemporary. I had found these babies, and for $89 + free shipping I made them mine.

Derek had conned our friend Chris into helping him install all three fans, while I continued to stain the floors. They simple followed the wiring diagram that was included with the fans, and it was pretty straight forward.

The electricians that updated all of our electrical (as part of our negotiations), sort of botched the ceiling when removing/replacing the other fans so we plan to patch all of that when we paint our ceilings.

I just love how a five-blade fan looks over four. And not having a droopy light kit. Aren't they just so much fresher?

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△ A F T E R △

△ B E F O R E △

△ A F T E R △

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I love instant transformations like this. Swapping out ceiling fans is such a simple way to update your home without spending a whole lot of money. But mostly, I’m just glad that I didn’t have to clean the old ones. So sick.